Rowing vs Elliptical

Rowing vs Elliptical
Rowing vs Elliptical

Rowing vs Elliptical When it comes to cardiovascular exercises, two popular options that people often consider are rowing and using an elliptical machine. Both of these exercises have their unique benefits and can provide an effective workout for individuals looking to improve their cardiovascular health and overall fitness level. In this article, we will explore the differences between rowing and using an elliptical machine and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, helping you make an informed decision about which exercise is best suited for you.


Rowing is a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously. The primary muscles targeted during rowing are the legs, back, shoulders, and arms. By utilizing a rowing machine, you can mimic the motion of rowing a boat, allowing you to work on your cardiovascular endurance while also building strength and toning your muscles.

One of the significant benefits of rowing is its low-impact nature. Unlike running or jogging, rowing puts minimal stress on your joints, making it an excellent exercise option for individuals with joint issues or those looking to minimize the risk of injury. Additionally, rowing is an excellent choice for individuals looking to improve their posture as it helps strengthen the back muscles.


An elliptical machine is a stationary exercise machine that simulates the motions of walking, running, or climbing stairs. It provides a low-impact workout that is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for people with joint problems or those recovering from injuries. The elliptical offers a smooth and fluid motion, allowing you to engage multiple muscle groups, including the arms, legs, and core.

One advantage of using an elliptical machine is the ability to adjust the resistance levels and incline, enabling you to customize your workout intensity to match your fitness level. Additionally, the elliptical offers the option to perform forward and backward movements, targeting different muscles and providing variety to your workout routine.

Comparing Rowing vs Elliptical

Both rowing and using an elliptical machine can provide an effective cardiovascular workout. However, there are some differences to consider when choosing between the two. Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Muscle Engagement: Rowing engages a wider range of muscles, including the back and shoulders, making it a more comprehensive workout for the upper body, while the elliptical mainly targets the legs and core muscles.
  • Calories Burned: Both rowing and using an elliptical machine can help you burn calories. The number of calories burned will depend on factors such as intensity, duration, and individual factors like weight. Generally, rowing tends to burn slightly more calories compared to using an elliptical machine.
  • Joint Impact: Both exercises offer low impact options, but rowing is particularly gentle on the joints, making it a suitable choice for individuals with joint issues or those looking to minimize stress on their joints.
  • Variety: While both exercises can provide a challenging workout, some individuals may find the elliptical offers more variety in terms of adjustable resistance levels, incline options, and the ability to perform backward movements.

How Does A Rowing Machine Work? 

How Does A Rowing Machine Work? 

A rowing machine works by simulating the motion of rowing a boat. It consists of a seat, footrests, handles, and a resistance mechanism that mimics the feeling of rowing through water. When using a rowing machine, you sit on the seat, secure your feet on the footrests, and grip the handles. As you push off with your legs and pull the handles towards you, the resistance mechanism provides tension, making the workout challenging and engaging multiple muscle groups.

How Does An Elliptical Work? 

How Does An Elliptical Work? 

An elliptical machine operates by replicating the movements of walking, running, or climbing stairs. It consists of pedals and handles for stability and balance. When using an elliptical machine, you stand on the pedals and hold onto the handles while moving in an elliptical motion. The resistance levels and incline can be adjusted to customize the intensity of the workout. This allows you to engage multiple muscle groups in your legs, core, and arms while minimizing joint impact.

Benefits Of Rowing Machines

Rowing machines offer several benefits for individuals looking to improve their cardiovascular health and overall fitness levels. Here are some advantages of using a rowing machine:

  1. Low Impact: Rowing provides a low-impact workout, which reduces stress on the joints and minimizes the risk of injury.
  2. Full-Body Workout: Rowing engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the legs, back, shoulders, and arms, providing a comprehensive full-body workout.
  3. Cardiovascular Endurance: Rowing improves cardiovascular endurance by increasing heart rate and lung capacity.
  4. Muscle Toning: The resistance provided by rowing machines helps build and tone muscles, promoting overall strength.
  5. Cardiovascular Benefits: Rowing machines offer cardiovascular benefits, including increased heart rate and improved lung capacity. Additionally, rowing machines provide a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, helping to build and tone muscles. The low-impact nature of rowing makes it a suitable option for individuals with joint issues or those looking to minimize stress on their joints. Overall, rowing machines are an effective tool for improving cardiovascular health, building strength, and enhancing overall fitness levels.
  6. Muscular Engagement: Rowing machines provide a unique combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training. The resistance offered by rowing machines helps to build and tone muscles, specifically targeting the back, shoulders, and arms. This comprehensive engagement of multiple muscle groups makes rowing machines valuable for overall muscle development. The low-impact nature of rowing also makes it suitable for individuals with joint issues or those looking to minimize stress on their joints, providing a safe and effective workout option for a wide range of individuals.

Benefits Of Ellipticals

Ellipticals also offer a range of benefits for individuals looking to improve their fitness levels. Here are some advantages of using an elliptical machine:

  1. Low-Impact: Ellipticals provide a low-impact workout that is gentle on the joints, reducing the risk of injury and making it suitable for individuals with joint problems.
  2. Full-Body Workout: Using an elliptical engages multiple muscle groups, including the arms, legs, and core, providing a comprehensive full-body workout.
  3. Cardiovascular Endurance: Elliptical workouts can improve cardiovascular endurance by increasing heart rate and lung capacity.
  4. Customizable Intensity: Elliptical machines allow for adjustable resistance levels and incline options, giving you the ability to customize the intensity of your workout.
  5. Joint-Friendly: The elliptical’s low-impact nature makes it an ideal choice for individuals with joint issues or those looking to minimize stress on their joints while still getting an effective workout.
  6. Versatility: Elliptical machines offer a variety of features and options, including adjustable resistance, incline settings, and the ability to perform backward movements, providing a versatile and challenging workout experience.

Calorie Burn and Weight Loss

Rowing and using an elliptical machine can both contribute to calorie burn and weight loss. The exact number of calories burned depends on factors like intensity, duration, and individual weight. Generally, rowing has been found to burn slightly more calories compared to using an elliptical machine. Both exercises offer low-impact options, but rowing is particularly gentle on the joints, making it a suitable choice for individuals with joint issues or those looking to minimize stress on their joints. Additionally, both exercises provide a full-body workout and can be customized to suit different fitness levels and preferences.

Impact on Joints

Both rowing machines and ellipticals are low-impact exercise options that are gentle on the joints. However, rowing machines are often considered to be even more joint-friendly due to their smooth and fluid motion. The rowing motion involves a continuous gliding movement that reduces stress on the joints. This makes rowing a suitable choice for individuals with joint issues or those who want to minimize the impact on their joints while still getting an effective workout.

Workout Variety and Entertainment

Rowing machines and ellipticals offer a variety of workout options to keep you engaged and entertained. Many rowing machines and ellipticals come equipped with built-in screens that allow you to connect to fitness apps, watch videos, or listen to music while you exercise. This added entertainment can make your workouts more enjoyable and help you stay motivated. Additionally, both machines offer adjustable resistance levels and incline options, allowing you to switch up your routine and challenge your fitness level as you progress.

Rowing Machine Vs. Elliptical: Key Differences 

One key difference between rowing machines and ellipticals is the muscle groups they primarily target. Rowing machines engage the legs, back, shoulders, and arms, providing a comprehensive full-body workout. On the other hand, ellipticals primarily target the arms, legs, and core. Another difference is the smooth and continuous gliding motion of rowing machines, which can make them particularly suitable for individuals with joint issues. Ellipticals, on the other hand, offer a variety of features and options, including adjustable resistance and incline settings, for a versatile and challenging workout experience.

Perplexity in Choosing

When choosing between a rowing machine and an elliptical, it’s important to consider your specific fitness goals and preferences. If you’re looking to build and tone muscles while improving cardiovascular health, a rowing machine may be the better option. On the other hand, if you want a full-body workout with customizable intensity levels and a variety of features, an elliptical might be the right choice. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and what will keep you motivated to achieve your fitness goals.

Burstiness of Workouts : Rowing vs Elliptical

Burstiness of workouts is another factor to consider when comparing rowing machines and ellipticals. Rowing machines provide a fluid and continuous motion that allows for a steady and consistent workout. On the other hand, ellipticals offer the ability to vary your pace and intensity, allowing for bursts of high-intensity intervals. This variability in intensity can help increase calorie burn and improve cardiovascular fitness. Ultimately, the choice between rowing machines and ellipticals depends on your preferences for workout style and the specific goals you want to achieve.

Expert Opinions

When it comes to expert opinions on rowing machines and ellipticals, there is a consensus that both machines offer effective workouts with their own set of advantages. Many fitness experts emphasize the full-body engagement and low-impact nature of rowing machines, making them a great option for individuals with joint issues. On the other hand, ellipticals are praised for their versatility, customizable intensity, and ability to provide a comprehensive full-body workout. Ultimately, it’s important to consult with a fitness professional to determine the best machine for your specific needs and goals.

Maintenance and Space Considerations

When it comes to maintenance and space considerations, both rowing machines and ellipticals have their requirements. Rowing machines typically require more maintenance, such as lubricating the chain or strap and checking for any wear and tear. Ellipticals, on the other hand, may have electronic components that require occasional maintenance or software updates. As for space, rowing machines tend to be larger and require more floor space, while ellipticals can be more compact and easily fit into smaller areas. It’s important to consider your available space and willingness to perform maintenance when deciding between the two machines.

Cost Comparison in Rowing vs Elliptical

When considering cost, it’s also important to factor in any additional expenses such as warranties, maintenance, and potential upgrades. Some rowing machines and ellipticals offer extended warranties for added peace of mind. You may also want to consider the long-term costs associated with replacing parts or upgrading features. Ultimately, it’s crucial to assess your priorities, budget, and fitness goals to determine which machine offers the best value for your needs.

Conclusion: Rowing vs Elliptical

When considering the cost of rowing machines and ellipticals, it’s important to factor in any additional expenses such as warranties, maintenance, and potential upgrades. Some rowing machines and ellipticals offer extended warranties for added peace of mind. You may also want to consider the long-term costs associated with replacing parts or upgrading features. Ultimately, it’s crucial to assess your priorities, budget, and fitness goals to determine which machine offers the best value for your needs.

FAQ’s: About Rowing vs Elliptical

Can ellipticals provide a high-intensity workout?

Yes, ellipticals can provide a high-intensity workout. Ellipticals offer adjustable resistance levels and incline settings, allowing you to increase the intensity of your workout. By varying the resistance and incline, you can challenge yourself and elevate your heart rate, resulting in a more intense workout. High-intensity workouts on ellipticals help to burn more calories and improve cardiovascular fitness. It’s important to choose the right intensity level that suits your fitness level and goals.

Which machine offers better value for the price?

When it comes to determining which machine offers better value for the price, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and goals. Rowing machines provide a full-body workout with low-impact benefits, making them ideal for individuals with joint issues. On the other hand, ellipticals offer versatility and customizable intensity levels, allowing for a comprehensive full-body workout. Consider your budget, long-term costs, and the features that are most important to you to make an informed decision that aligns with your fitness goals.

Do rowing machines help with muscle toning?

Yes, rowing machines can help with muscle toning. Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, including the legs, arms, core, and back. The pushing and pulling motions involved in rowing work these muscles, helping to build strength and tone them over time. Consistent rowing workouts can lead to increased muscle definition and improved muscular endurance. Additionally, rowing machines allow you to adjust the resistance, allowing you to progressively challenge your muscles and continue seeing progress in your toning efforts.

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