Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts

Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts
Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts


Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts remain an integral part of many of our diets – they’re versatile, delicious, and nutritious. The type of eggs we choose can often be down to personal preference, but many now lean towards organic eggs for their potential added benefits. In this blog post, we will delve into large organic egg nutrition facts, with a focus on the nutritional benefits that come with opting for organic.

Nutritional Content of Large Organic Eggs

Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts come loaded with several vital nutrients. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to get from a large organic egg:

  • Approximately 70 calories
  • 6 grams of high-quality protein
  • 5 grams of fat
  • 186 milligrams of cholesterol
  • Less than 1 gram of carbohydrate
  • Essential micronutrients including vitamins A, D, E, and B12, riboflavin, folate, and the mineral selenium

Vitamins and Minerals Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts

Organic eggs are rich in important vitamins and minerals. They’re an excellent source of:

  • Vitamin A: Essential for maintaining healthy skin and eye health
  • Vitamin D: Crucial for bone health and immune function
  • Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant that protects the body’s cells from damage
  • Vitamin B12: Vital for nerve function and the production of DNA and red blood cells
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Helps the body release energy from proteins
  • Folate: Important for the process of cell division
  • Selenium: Helps protect the body against oxidative stress

Advantages of Choosing Organic

Choosing organic eggs over their conventionally raised counterparts may come down to animal welfare concerns and environmental considerations. Yet, there may be nutritional differences as well. Organic eggs come from hens raised on organic feed and have access to the outdoors whenever possible. Some studies suggest organic eggs may have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and slightly lower levels of saturated fats.

Nutrition Facts In a Nutshell 1 Egg (50g)

  • Part of a Muscle Building Diet: With 6 grams of high-quality protein in each egg, they serve as an excellent source of protein for muscle growth and recovery.
  • Weight Management: With less than 1 gram of carbohydrates and rich in healthy fats, they can act as a filler in your diet, helping to curb hunger. Nutrient-Dense: They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to your overall daily nutrient intake.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: High in omega-3 fatty acids, they’re good for heart health and can help maintain a balanced essential fatty acid ratio.
  • Low Saturated Fat: They have slightly lower levels of saturated fats compared to usual eggs, reducing their impact on heart disease. – Modest Calorie Count: Each large organic egg contains approximately 70 calories, making it a nutrient-dense food choice with a modest calorie count.
  • Ethical and Sustainable: Choosing to buy organic eggs contributes to better animal welfare and sustainable farming practices.
  • Versatile & Tasty: Besides their nutritional profile, eggs offer a variety of culinary options. They can be a simple boiled snack, part of a hearty omelet, or a key ingredient in a baking recipe.

In summary, large organic eggs provide nutritional benefits conducive to a balanced diet, potential health advantages, and support of ethical farming practices. Include them as a part of your healthy, balanced diet, and savor their versatility and deliciousness. Enjoy the healthy choices that taste good

Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts chart

The chart below summarizes the nutritional values you get from a large organic egg:

Nutrient ————————- Quantity in 1 Large Organic Egg

Calories ————————- Approximately 70

Protein ————————- 6 grams

Fat ————————- 5 grams

Cholesterol ————————- 186 milligrams

Carbohydrate ————————- Less than 1 gram

Vitamin A ————————- Present

Vitamin D ————————- Present

Vitamin E ————————- Present

Vitamin B12 ————————- Present

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) ————————- Present

Folate ————————- Present

Selenium ————————- Present

Omega-3 Fatty Acids ————————- Higher levels than conventional eggs

Nutritional Value of Large Organic Eggs

Large organic eggs offer high nutritional value, given their high-quality protein content, a rich array of vitamins, and significant amounts of essential minerals. These elements are crucial for many bodily functions such as muscle building, maintaining a robust immune system, and ensuring a healthy metabolism.

In terms of their protein content, the protein in eggs is considered “complete”, containing all nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce. This makes them an excellent protein source for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.

The vitamins A, D, B2, and B12 present in these eggs contribute significantly to eye health, bone health, energy production, and brain function, respectively.

  • Protein Content: 6 grams
  • Vitamins: A, D, B2, and B12
  • Essential Minerals: Iron, Zinc, Selenium
  • Fat Content: 5 grams (of which 1.6 grams are saturated)
  • Vitamin Composition: A large organic egg contains the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A: Important for healthy eyesight and skin. It also aids in the function of several vital organs.
  • Vitamin D: Necessary for absorbing calcium and promoting bone growth. Lack of vitamin D could lead to bone diseases like osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Plays a crucial role in energy production, cellular function, and metabolism.
  • Vitamin B12: Aids in the production of DNA, nerve function, and the creation of red blood cells.

These vitamins combined with the other nutritional benefits make large organic eggs a fantastic addition to a balanced diet.

Comparison with Regular Eggs

While large organic eggs and regular eggs share similar nutritional profiles, there are some key distinctions. Organic eggs come from hens that are fed organic feed without the use of antibiotics, hormones, or pesticides. This can result in a lower risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.

In terms of taste, many people believe that organic eggs have a richer flavor due to the organic feed and free-range living conditions for the hens. However, this is subjective and varies from person to person.

It’s also important to note that despite their similar nutritional content, organic eggs often come with a higher price tag. Therefore, the decision between organic and regular eggs often comes down to personal preference, budget, and values associated with humane animal practices and organic farming.

Health Benefits of Consuming Organic Eggs

Regular consumption of organic eggs can deliver a variety of health benefits, given their robust nutritional profile. Here are some notable benefits:

  • Protein and Muscle Maintenance: The high-quality, complete protein in eggs contributes to muscle growth and repair, making them a great food choice for those who engage in physical activity.
  • Eye Health: The vitamin A content helps protect eyes from night blindness and age-related decline.
  • Bone Health: Vitamin D in eggs contributes to maintaining strong and healthy bones by promoting calcium absorption.
  • Energy Production: Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) in eggs plays an integral part in energy production, helping the body break down food into energy.
  • Brain Function: Vitamin B12 aids in promoting healthy brain function and is pivotal in maintaining nerve health. It also assists in the production of red blood cells, which are essential for delivering oxygen to different parts of the body.

Preparing and Eating Organic Eggs

Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts

You can enjoy large organic eggs in numerous ways, with each method of preparation potentially impacting the nutritional content slightly. Some common ways to consume eggs include boiling, scrambling, poaching, and baking. Boiled eggs keep all their nutrients intact, while scrambled eggs may require added fats such as oil or butter for cooking.

Poached eggs are a healthy option, as long the poaching water is not too hot, which could destroy some of the egg’s nutrients. Baking eggs in dishes like quiche or frittatas can incorporate additional nutritious ingredients like vegetables and lean meats.

Always cook eggs thoroughly to kill any potentially harmful bacteria. Also, it’s important to note that some of the vitamins are found in the yolks, so eating whole eggs or using them in recipes yields the greatest nutritional value.

Lastly, while eggs are often associated with breakfast, they’re versatile enough to be used in meals throughout the day, from protein-rich salads to hearty dinners.

Organic Eggs and Sustainability

Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts

Sustainability is another reason some consumers prefer organic eggs. Organic hens are usually raised in free-range conditions, with more space to roam than conventional hens. This provides a better quality of life for the hens and results in less strain on the environment.

Organic farming also avoids the use of harmful pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics that can be damaging to the environment in the long run. Instead, organic farming practices promote biodiversity, better soil health, and reduce water pollution.

Despite their higher cost, the environmental and potential health benefits of consuming organic eggs make them a worthy option for many. They’re a small change that could significantly influence your overall diet and the planet’s health.

Tips for Selecting the Best Organic Eggs

When purchasing organic eggs, it’s important to bear the following tips in mind:

  • Check for certifications: Look for eggs that have been certified as organic by a known authority, as this means they have met strict production standards.
  • Pay attention to the date: Always check the ‘sell by’ or ‘best by’ date on the packaging.
  • Examine the eggs: Make sure the eggs are free from cracks, and the shells are clean and dry.
  • Look into the producer’s practices: If possible, buy eggs from farms that specify humane treatment and free-range conditions for their hens.
  • Compare prices: Organic eggs tend to be pricier, but prices can vary. So, make sure to check prices across different stores or brands to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.
  • Store eggs properly: After purchase, store the eggs in the coldest part of your refrigerator, not in the door, to preserve their freshness and extend their shelf life.

Organic eggs, with their rich nutritional profile, myriad health benefits, and sustainable farming practices, can be a worthwhile addition to your diet. By following these tips, you can ensure you’re making a well-informed choice when purchasing and consuming these nutritious, high-quality eggs.


In the realm of nutrition, large organic eggs stand as a powerhouse. They are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and boast higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids compared to conventionally raised eggs, potentially offering added health benefits. Alongside their nutritional advantage, organic eggs also support animal welfare and sustainable farming practices, making them an ethical choice. With their versatility, they’re easy to include in any diet. Thus, large organic eggs offer a nutritious, ethical and sustainable choice, making them an ideal part of a balanced, healthy diet that tastes good.

FAQs: About Large Organic Egg Nutrition Facts

Are organic eggs healthier than regular eggs?

While nutritional differences between organic and conventionally raised eggs can be minor, some studies suggest organic eggs might contain higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and slightly less saturated fat. Besides, they are produced under better conditions for the hens, which could potentially influence the egg’s nutrient content.

Can I eat organic eggs daily?

Yes, you can enjoy organic eggs daily as part of a balanced, healthy diet. However, as eggs are high in cholesterol, those with certain medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease should consult their healthcare providers.

Which is better: brown or white organic eggs?

The color of an eggshell does not have any impact on the nutritional content of the egg or its quality. Brown and white eggs contain virtually the same nutrients. The shell color simply depends on the breed of the hen.

Are organic eggs a good source of protein?

Yes, organic eggs are an excellent source of protein. One large organic egg offers about 6 grams of high-quality protein, which is important for muscle growth, immune function, and overall body repair.

Do organic eggs have fewer calories?

No, the calorie content is relatively similar in both organic and conventionally raised eggs. One large organic egg contains approximately 70 calories. However, since organic

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