Free Resistance Band Workout Chart: Your Key to a Total Body Workout

Free Resistance Band Workout Chart
Free Resistance Band Workout Chart

Many people underestimate the power of a resistance band. It’s often overlooked in the world of weights and cardio machines. However, a resistance band workout can deliver an exercise benefit at par with more familiar gym equipment. Today, we’ll offer a free resistance band workout chart and guide you on how to get the most out of your resistance band workouts.

Why Choose Resistance Band Workouts?

Before we unveil the chart, let’s briefly discuss why resistance bands can be such an essential tool for your fitness journey. Free Resistance Band Workout Chart offers an array of exercises with merely a band. These exercises are not only cost-effective but are also eminent for improving strength, mobility, and flexibility. Furthermore, they can be performed anywhere at your convenience, making them a safe and effective option for people with diverse fitness objectives.

Versatility: Resistance bands are incredibly versatile. They allow a myriad of exercises that work for all muscle groups.

Practicality: Although lightweight and compact, resistance bands provide varying resistance levels and are adaptable to all fitness levels. They’re perfect for home workouts, especially if you’re short on space!

Budget-friendly: A resistance band is a simple, cost-effective tool compared to pricey gym equipment. Plus, they are highly durable.

Your Resistance Band Workout Chart

Free Resistance Band Workout Chart

Now that we’ve discussed why resistance bands are a great choice, it’s time to get down to business. Here’s your free resistance band workout chart below. Remember, focus on good form and controlled movements for the most effective workout.


  • Arm Circles
  • Leg Swings
  • Jumping Jacks


  • Bicep Curls
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Squats
  • Chest Press
  • Seated Rows
  • Shoulder Press
  • Deadlifts
  • Side Leg Lifts
  • Lunges
  • Plank Hold with Abduction

Don’t forget to cool down with some light stretching after your workout!

Do Free Resistance Band Workouts Really Work?

Absolutely! Resistance band workouts can considerably improve your flexibility, balance, and strength. They stimulate muscle growth and can burn just as many calories as a traditional weight-lifting workout. Furthermore, they involve core and stability muscles, which leads to improved posture and reduced risk of injury. With regular practice and the right form, you can achieve excellent results with free resistance band workout chart. So, don’t underestimate this mighty fitness tool, and start incorporating it into your routine today!

How long Should A Free Resistance Band Workout Be?

Typically, a resistance band workout should last between 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the intensity of your workout and your fitness level. The great thing about these workouts is that you can quickly adjust the duration based on your needs. For beginners, it’s advisable to start with 20-minute sessions and gradually increase the time as your strength and endurance improve. Always remember to take rest breaks if needed, and don’t overdo it. It’s better to perform exercises correctly and maintain good form than to rush through them. Consider consulting with a fitness professional or physical therapist to make sure you’re performing the exercises correctly and safely.

Is It OK To Do A Free Resistance Band Workout Every Day?

Yes, it’s fine to use resistance bands for workouts every day. However, it’s important to remember that your muscles need time to recover after any strength training session. Therefore, it is suggested that you either rotate muscle groups for each workout (i.e., lower body one day, upper body the next) or stick to a schedule of strength training with resistance bands every other day. This gives muscles time to repair and strengthen themselves, which in turn helps in achieving your fitness goals. Always listen to your body and take necessary rest days to avoid overtraining and injuries.

Who Are Resistance Band Workouts For?

Free Resistance Band Workout Chart

Resistance band workouts are suitable for everyone, regardless of age, fitness level, or experience. They are an excellent training tool for beginners who need to develop strength and learn the correct exercise form, as well as for experienced athletes who want to mix up their workouts or add more intensity.

Elderly people or those recovering from injury can also benefit due to the low-impact nature of resistance band exercises. They’re also popular among those who travel frequently or don’t have access to regular gym facilities, as they are lightweight, portable, and adaptable.

Moreover, individuals looking for a cost-effective way of exercising at home will also find resistance bands a good investment. So, whether you’re looking to tone your body, build strength, improve flexibility, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, resistance band workouts definitely deserve a place in your fitness regime.

30-Day Walking And Full-Body Resistance Band Workout

Challenge yourself with this 30-day walking and full-body resistance band workout plan. It’s designed to accelerate your fitness goals by combining cardiovascular exercises with resistance training.

Week 1 & 2:

  • Monday: 10-15 minutes of walking + Upper Body Resistance Band Workout
  • Tuesday: 20 minutes of walking
  • Wednesday: 10-15 minutes of walking + Lower Body Resistance Band Workout
  • Thursday: 20 minutes of walking
  • Friday: 10-15 minutes of walking + Full Body Resistance Band Workout
  • Saturday: Leisurely 30-minute walk
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week 3 & 4:

  • Monday: 20-25 minutes of walking + Upper Body Resistance Band Workout
  • Tuesday: 30 minutes of walking
  • Wednesday: 20-25 minutes of walking + Lower Body Resistance Band Workout
  • Thursday: 30 minutes of walking
  • Friday: 20-25 minutes of walking + Full Body Resistance Band Workout
  • Saturday: Leisurely 40-minute walk
  • Sunday: Rest day

Stay consistent with this four-week plan and you’re sure to see some great results! Don’t forget to cool down and stretch after each workout, and always listen to your body. If you’re feeling particularly sore or tired, it may be best to take an additional rest day.

Elastic Resistance Bands Explained

Elastic resistance bands are a simple yet effective tool for strength training, flexibility, rehabilitation, and more. Made from latex, they come in various shapes and sizes, including flat bands, tubes with handles, and loop bands.

Each band offers a different level of resistance, making it ideal for progressive strength training. Beginners might start with lighter, more flexible bands and gradually move towards heavier resistance as their strength improves.

The primary advantage of these bands is that they increase tension as they’re stretched, creating resistance in both directions of motion. This characteristic allows them to challenge the muscles differently than traditional weights, providing an element of instability that forces your muscles to adapt and engage more to maintain balance.

How Do Resistance Bands Compare to Traditional Weights & Machines?

Free Resistance Band Workout Chart

In the fitness world, one of the most common comparisons made is between resistance bands and traditional weights or machines. Each has its own unique set of benefits and limitations.

Resistance bands offer the unique benefit of resistance in all directions, enabling functional and multi-directional strength training. This factor can make them more beneficial for everyday use and sports-specific activities.

Additionally, they allow for a greater range of motion and flexibility, making them suitable for all fitness levels. Their lightweight and compact nature make them ideal for on-the-go workouts, whether at home, in a park, or when traveling.

Traditional weights and machines, on the other hand, often target one muscle group at a time and work in a fixed plane of motion. This is very beneficial for building specific muscular size and strength, but not as adaptable for training for everyday movement patterns.

Upper Body Banded Strength Exercises

Free Resistance Band Workout Chart

For a comprehensive upper-body workout using resistance bands, consider the following exercises:

  1. Banded Push-ups: This exercise targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Place the band around your back and under your hands, maintaining tension in the band as you perform push-ups.
  2. Banded Rows: This is a great exercise for your back and biceps. Secure your band around a stable post, grab the ends, and pull towards your chest.
  3. Overhead Tricep Extensions: Wrap the band under your feet and extend your arms straight above your head, targeting your triceps.
  4. Banded Bicep Curls: Step on the band and curl your hands towards your shoulders to engage your biceps.
  5. Front Raises: Stand on the band and raise your arms straight up, targeting your front deltoids.
  6. Lateral Raises: These target your side deltoid muscles. Stand on the band and raise your hands to the sides until they’re level with your ears.

Lower Body Banded Strength Exercises

For a lower-body workout using resistance bands, you can perform these exercises:

  1. Banded Squats: This exercise works your quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. Stand on the band and hold the ends at shoulder level, then perform squats.
  2. Glute Bridges: This exercise targets your glutes and hamstrings. Lie on your back with the band wrapped around your thighs 2.
  3. Banded Deadlifts: This exercise targets your hamstrings and lower back. Stand on the band and hold the ends, then bend at the hip, keeping your back straight.
  4. Banded Lunges: This workout aims at your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Step on the band with one foot and hold the ends at shoulder height while performing lunges.
  5. Leg Abduction: This is a great exercise for your hips and outer thighs. Secure the band around your ankles and move your leg sideways against the resistance.
  6. Seated Band Leg Press: This targets your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Sit on the floor with the band around your feet and push against the resistance, simulating a leg press movement.

Whole Body Banded Exercises

For a full-body routine try using resistance bands for the following exercises:

  1. Banded Thrusters: Squat down holding the band under your feet and the ends at shoulder height, then stand up and press your hands above your head.
  2. Power Band Jumps: Stand on the band and hold the ends at shoulder height, then jump up, pushing your hands towards the ceiling.
  3. Lateral Walks: Position the resistance band around your ankles, squat slightly, and sidestep.
  4. Banded Planks: Plank with the resistance band around your wrists and then pull your arms apart to engage all the muscles of the upper body.
  5. Banded Mountain Climbers: Get into a high plank position with the band looped over your shoes. Alternate bringing each knee to your chest. This workout will engage your entire body, focusing on your core.
  6. Banded Renegade Rows: Start in a plank position with a band around your wrists. Pull each arm up, rowing the band towards your hip.

This exercise targets your upper body, core, and glutes. Stay motivated, stay consistent, and always remember to listen to your body. Keep up the great work!

Core Stability

Working on your core stability is key for overall body strength and balance. Here are some resistance band exercises targeting the core muscles:

  1. Banded Russian Twists: This exercise targets your oblique muscles. Sit on the ground with your knees bent, band wrapped around your feet, and twist your torso side to side.
  2. Resistance Band Bird Dogs: In a table-top position, loop the resistance band around one foot and hold the other end in the opposite hand. Extend your leg and arm simultaneously.
  3. Pallof Press: This targets your entire core. Secure the band to a pole, stand perpendicular to it, and press the band straight out in front of your body.
  4. Banded Dead Bug: For this exercise, lie on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling and legs in a tabletop position. Stretch the band between your hands and feet and alternate extending one arm and the complementary leg.
  5. Banded Crunches: Lie on your back with the band wrapped around your feet. Pull your knees to your chest while crunching your upper body towards them.


To improve flexibility and mobility, try incorporating these resistance band exercises into your routine:

  1. Banded Hamstring Stretch: Sit on the floor, with legs extended in front of you. Wrap the band around your feet, and gently pull the band towards you to stretch your hamstrings.
  2. Banded Hip Flexor Stretch: This stretch targets the hip flexors. You can perform it by kneeling on one knee and looping the band around your back foot. Gently pull the band to stretch your hip flexor.
  3. Banded Chest Stretch: Stand and wrap the band behind your back, holding the ends with both hands. Stretch your chest out by pulling your arms back.
  4. Banded Shoulder Stretch: Stand upright and hold the band with both hands in front of your body. Raise and stretch your arms, making sure the band is behind your head and your arms are fully extended to stretch your shoulder flexors.
  5. Banded Ankle Mobility Drill: For this, sit on the floor with your legs extended. Wrap the band around your foot and flex and point your foot, providing gentle resistance with the band.

Remember, consistency is key with these exercises. The more often you do them, the greater your flexibility and mobility will be. Also, always remember to warm up before any workout and cool down after to prevent injury and ensure maximum benefit. Practice these exercises regularly to maintain a strong, fit, and flexible body.

About Our Resistance Bands Workout Routine

At our fitness club, we believe that everyone, regardless of their fitness level, can benefit from resistance band exercises. Our routines are designed with versatility and tangible results in mind.

The workout plans provided are the result of extensive research and practical testing, ensuring that whether you are a beginner, an experienced gym-goer, an athlete, or someone looking to stay active while recovering from an injury, you can safely perform these exercises.

Our resistance bands are made of high-quality, durable materials, so they’re built to last. Each band comes in different resistance levels, making it easy to adjust the intensity of your workout as you progress.

For any additional guidance or support, our team of certified trainers and physiotherapists are always on hand to help. They can correct your form, teach new exercises, and provide professional advice to optimize your workouts and prevent injury.

Remember, it’s not about how fast you can see the results; it’s about creating a consistent workout regimen that you enjoy and serves your fitness goals.

From warm-ups, primary workout routines, and cool-downs, to rehabilitative exercises, resistance bands are an excellent tool to make the most out of your fitness journey. Try our routines today and enjoy the journey to a stronger, healthier you!

In conclusion, don’t let the simplicity of these exercises fool you. Resistance band workouts can be as, or even more challenging, than weight lifting. The versatility, convenience, and effectiveness of these workouts make them a standout choice for anyone seeking to enhance their fitness routine. Best of all, they can be easily adapted to any workout style, goal, and lifestyle.

So why wait? Grab your resistance bands and start your fitness journey today. It’s time to rise to the challenge and reap the benefits of a comprehensive, balanced, and enjoyable workout regimen.

Remember, every ‘rep’ counts and each small improvement is a step towards a bigger goal — a fitter, healthier you. With consistency, dedication, and a positive mindset, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Happy training!

Caloric Burn with Leg Extensions for Weight Loss and Muscle Development

Free Resistance Band Workout Chart provides a fantastic full-body workout that includes leg exercises like leg extensions, which are known for their effectiveness in burning calories and aiding weight loss while simultaneously promoting muscle development. Enhancing both your upper and lower body endurance and strength, these workouts are designed to help shape and tone your body conveniently.


In conclusion, resistance bands are an excellent tool for building strength, flexibility, and balance. They are a versatile piece of equipment that can target virtually every muscle group in the body. Implementing these exercises into your workout routine can yield substantial improvements in your overall fitness levels while also helping prevent injuries. Furthermore, these exercises can be done anywhere, making them perfect for those with busy lifestyles. Always listen to your body and adjust resistance levels accordingly to avoid overstressing muscles. Stay consistent with your training, and you’ll see amazing results in no time. Lastly, don’t forget the importance of a balanced diet, ample sleep, and hydration in your quest for improved fitness. Make the most of your resistance band workouts with these awesome exercises!

FAQs: About Free Resistance Band Workout Chart

How often should I use resistance bands?

It is recommended to perform resistance band exercises three to five times per week, interspersed with rest days.

Can resistance bands help with weight loss?

Definitely! Resistance band exercises can contribute to healthy weight loss by helping to develop muscle, which leads to more efficient calorie burning.

Are resistance bands suitable for beginners?

Yes. One of the advantages of resistance bands is their suitability for all fitness levels.

Can I use resistance bands for all body parts?

Absolutely. The variety of exercises available can target every major muscle group in the body.

What’s the best way to take care of my resistance bands?

Always check your bands for signs of wear and tear before use, clean them with a damp cloth after use, and store them away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Also, avoid using them on rough surfaces to prevent damage.

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