Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

Butter Bread Nutrition Facts
Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

Everyone loves the well-crafted harmony of butter bread nutrition facts smeared on a warm slice of bread. But have you ever considered the nutritional aspects of this iconic duo? You may be happily surprised to find out both the power-packed nutrients they provide and the deliciously simplified means by which they manage to do so. Butter bread is a delicious and widely consumed bakery item. Since it forms an integral part of many individuals’ daily diet, it is necessary to be aware of its nutritional quotient. Below is a detailed look into the nutrition facts of butter bread.

A Spread of Nutrient Facts Wealth

  • Bread, being one of the most basic and universally consumed food items, contributes significantly to your nutrient intake. Besides being a plentiful source of carbohydrates, it provides fiber, particularly if you opt for whole-grain varieties. Moreover, they come fortified with essential nutrients such as folate and iron.
  • Butter, generally perceived as an unhealthy food item, is brimming with crucial nutrients when consumed in moderation. It is an excellent source of vitamins A and D, two fundamental vitamins typically lacking in modern diets. With slight amounts of calcium, potassium, and even a mineral known as selenium, this well-known saturated fat has more to bring to the table than its renowned decadence.

Unlocking the Nutrition

Apart from the nutrients, there’s more tact to derive even greater nutritional benefits:

Opting for Quality Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

The nutrition contained within bread and butter can significantly vary based upon their sources and preparation methods. Opt for whole-grain bread over white for added fiber and nutrients, and choose grass-fed butter for high levels of Vitamin K2 and Omega-3 fats.

Proportions Matter in Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

Over-consumption can flip these nutritional powerhouses into culprits of several health conditions like obesity and heart disease. A thin smear of butter and a scrimmage of bread rather than a bakery intelligence Exploration bond and a glob of butter is generally a healthier choice.

Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

Bread slice (white, 28g):

  • Calories: 79 cal
  • Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Fiber: 0.8g
  • Folate: 43mcg
  • Iron: 1mg

Butter (unsalted, 14g):

  • Calories: 100 cal
  • Fats: 11.52g
  • Vitamin A: 355 IU
  • Vitamin D: 3 IU
  • Selenium: 1 mcg

Apprehending these nutritional facts can help you better integrate these dietary staples into a robust and balanced diet. Continually striking the right balance between enjoyment and benefit ensures this savory combination remains an asset to your nutritional superhero toolkit, no matter the culinary endeavor you undertake.

Exploring the Nutritional Profile of Butter Bread

Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

Diving into the actual nutritional profile of butter bread, a single slice typically contains about 150-200 calories, depending on the size and ingredients used. Approximately half of these calories come from fats, mostly from the butter used during baking. It’s important to note that the type of fats in butter are saturated fats, which should be limited in a healthy diet.

The carbohydrates in butter bread can vary, but a slice generally contains around 20-30 grams. These carbohydrates serve as the body’s main energy source and are crucial for physical activity and brain function.

Butter bread also contains a modest amount of protein, on average around 5 grams per slice. Proteins are necessary for muscle repair and growth and are a crucial component of a balanced diet. However, compared to other sources such as lean meats or legumes, the protein content in butter bread is relatively low.

Besides fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, butter bread is low in fiber compared to whole grain or multigrain bread. A slice gives about 1-2 grams of fiber, which is significantly less than the daily recommended allowance. There also exist trace amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium and iron, but these are typically low because refined wheat flour is often used in its production.

Quality Matters in Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

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Butter Bread Nutrition in daily eating routine

Inserting butter bread into your daily eating routine should not be a task taken lightly. Balancing their use with other food items of different nutrient profiles is pivotal. Here are some guideposts to establish an equilibrium:

At breakfast

Start your morning with a slice of whole-grain bread adorned with a thin layer of grass-fed butter, complemented by a protein-rich food like eggs or Greek yogurt. This balanced meal satisfies your morning hunger while providing essential nutrients to unlock your day’s potential.

Afternoon snack

Instead of incommodious junk food in your afternoon respite, nibble on a slice of buttered bread as a fuss-free, nutritious, and palate-pleasing alternative. Bonuses in this snack comprise vitamins and trace minerals necessary to keep you healthy, along with carbohydrates that briefly boost your energy and help with digestion. You can enhance this even further by adding a slice of cheese or a spoonful of jam or honey.


Incorporate a slice of buttered bread as a side to your dinner, preferably alongside a portion of lean meat and vegetables for balancing macronutrients. Opt for different types of bread like rye or sourdough to keep variety and add additional nutrients to the equation.

Benefits of Incorporating Butter Bread into Your Diet

Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

Incorporating butter bread into your diet, in moderation, can have a couple of benefits. Firstly, it is a good source of essential nutrients like fibers and proteins. Dietary fiber aids in improving digestive health, while proteins are the building blocks of our bodies. Secondly, the carbohydrates found in butterbread provide our body with the needed energy to carry out daily activities. Furthermore, some fats, particularly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, can contribute to heart health. Lastly, it can be an integral part of a balanced diet when paired with other nutrient-dense foods such as lean meats, fruits, and vegetables.

Concerns and Potential Drawbacks of Butter Bread Consumption

While butterbread does offer some nutritional benefits, it also carries some potential drawbacks that should be considered. Essentially, the high calorie and saturated fat content can contribute to weight gain and increased cholesterol levels if consumed excessively. Additionally, those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease should avoid butterbread since it is made with wheat flour. Moreover, because it lacks certain vital nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, balancing with other foods becomes all the more important. Lastly, consuming butter bread with added sugars or spreads can significantly elevate its calorie content, which may be detrimental to health for those monitoring their caloric intake.

Healthy Alternatives and Modifications for a Nutritious Bread Experience

There are a few alternatives and modifications that can be employed to create a more wholesome and nutritious bread experience. For instance, using whole grain flour instead of refined flour can significantly boost the fiber content in the bread. Similarly, adding seeds and nuts to the bread mixture will enrich it with essential fatty acids and proteins. Baking butter bread at home allows control over the ingredients and their quantities, facilitating a reduction in salt, sugar, and butter content if desired. It’s also possible to substitute butter with healthier oils like olive oil or avocados. For those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, gluten-free flour like almond flour, coconut flour, or buckwheat can be used.

Incorporating Butter Bread into Different Meal Plans

Butterbread can be seamlessly incorporated into different meals throughout the day. At breakfast, it can be paired with a protein source like eggs or lean meats or used to make a nutrient-packed sandwich for lunch. Its soft, buttery texture makes it a great accompaniment to soups and stews for dinner. Additionally, it can also be included as part of a balanced snack, topped with hummus or avocado. For dessert lovers, a slice of butter bread can be lightly toasted and served with a spread of honey or a splash of fresh fruit compote. Regardless of the meal, it’s crucial to keep in mind portion sizes to avoid consuming excessive calories.

Tips for Making Healthier Butter Bread Choices

When shopping for or making butter bread, make sure to read labels or recipes thoroughly. Opt for bread made with whole grains and minimal added sugars. If baking at home, consider using reduced-fat or plant-based butter substitutes. Add nutritional supplements like nuts, seeds, or dried fruits to the dough to boost the fiber and protein content. Consider pairing your slice with healthy proteins and fats, such as lean meats or avocado, rather than high-sugar spreads or toppings. Lastly, remember that portion control is key; limit your intake to one or two slices per meal to avoid consuming excess calories.


In the grand scheme of dietary decisions, what might first appear as a rather benign combination of basic pantry items can significantly contribute to nutritional needs when appropriately managed. The marriage between butter and bread is more than a symphony of calm crunch and velvety richness. Meticulously considering the sources of these items, accounting for consumption in wise proportions, and strategically aligning them in concert with other nutritional actors across the day integrates this pair into a well-crafted, diversified eating regime.

FAQs: About Butter Bread Nutrition Facts

Is butter bread nutrition facts?

Yes, when combined intelligently, the nutrients found in buttered bread yield broad health benefits. Bread, precisely of the whole-grain type, is rich in fiber, carbohydrates, iron, and folate. Butter contributes vitamins A and D along with minerals like calcium and selenium.

Can buttered bread contribute to weight gain?

While buttered bread indeed has health benefits, moderate consumption is key to avoid overloading on calories that can potentially lead to weight gain. Healthy portions of butter and bread contribute positively to nutritional wellness.

Should I cut out buttered bread from my diet?

Not necessarily. As with any food, it’s essential to practice portion control and eat a diverse selection of other nutrient-rich foods to complement their nutritional values. Buttered bread can be an integral part of a balanced diet when consumed responsibly.

What types of bread should I prefer with butter?

Whole grains are your best bet, as they provide a higher quantity of fiber and essential nutrients. Experimenting with varieties such as rye, multigrain, or sourdough is also great, as they all harbor unique nutritional profiles.

How is grass-fed butter healthier?

Grass-fed butter generally features a more robust nutrient profile, including higher levels of Omega-3 fats, Vitamin K2, and beta carotene compared to its grain-fed counterpart. These nutrients have the potency to enhance heart and bone health and protect against oxidative stress.

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